Thursday, June 28, 2012

Gardening with Grandma

Went to Grandma's house for pancakes and gardening. Grandma shared some delicious fruit with 'A' and showed her how fruit seeds are used for planting. She also taught 'A' about the things plants need to grow. 

'S' enjoyed getting her hands dirty and showing some love to the soil.

 Later in the day, we played with some new items I got at Amazing Savings. The Moon Sand compacts easily for molding and the clean up was not too bad.


The Moon Dough is great because it never dries out, feels foamy, and it is really easy to clean up. 

 Great tool to discuss whole/part and simple fractions

The next activity we didn't actually do yet, but will have 'A' play with it tomorrow. Using sand to write out letters:

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