Sunday, October 21, 2012

Parshat lech lecha "curriculum": project and craft ideas

So thinking up activities the night before or the day of is starting to take its toll. I am not a very organized person so it is not easy for me to do this, but I am going to start planning out our schedule weeks at time. We are going to use the weekly Torah portion to guide our lessons.

Here is an overview of what our week will look like. I will update photos and ideas as we do them:

Parasha Story

Build tent with beach umbrella
and act out story of Avraham leaving father's land and inviting guests to his tent

Act out the disagreement between Lot and Avraham
using figurines 

G-d blesses Avraham that he will be numerous like the stars. Click here to: Teach children what stars are

Social Studies

Pretend to go camping with sleeping bag, compass app 
on Ipad, canteen, s'mores, 
and toilet paper roll campfire
Learn more about tents and camping using 

Moral character
Discuss Hachnasat Orchim and importance of hospitality

Pretend to  fight over something and discuss the importance of sharing and separating yourself from a stressful situation.


Star craft 

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