Monday, June 24, 2013

Math Monday: Shaving Cream Sensory Fun with Numbers

If you are looking for a fun filled sensory activity to help work on letter, shape, or number formation, shaving cream is definitely the way to go. 
So much more fun than sand and much easier to clean up.
Exploring with shaving cream all the way up their arms.
This morning we used shaving cream on a cookie sheet to do some individualized math instruction.

I put out Lego blocks for my 2 year old to count targeting counting in order and pairing each object with only one number name.

Being able to understand that the last number said is the sum of the objects, is a later developing skill so my 4 year old did that.

I then made a connect the dot figure of the numeral for my 4 year to connect to help her with number formation. 
Super simple and super cheap.
Easy and fun to erase and start again.

For 30 more fun activities with shaving cream, check out Play Create Explore!

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